價 格:¥1000.00
起訂量:1 件
發(fā)貨地區(qū):山東 / 菏澤市
發(fā)貨期限:付款之日起 3 天內發(fā)貨
?山東省鄄康工藝品有限公司,本公司主要產品:以仿真恐龍,仿真霸王龍,仿真翼龍,仿真三角龍,仿真老虎,仿真貓、仿真兔、仿真馬、仿真羊、仿真松鼠、仿真狐貍、仿真鹿、仿真熊、仿真獅、仿真斑馬,仿真駱駝,仿真牦牛,仿真奶牛,仿真長頸鹿,仿真北極熊,仿真獅子,仿真長頸鹿,仿真河馬,仿真大象,仿真虎皮,仿真熊皮,仿真狼皮,仿真袋鼠皮,牦牛頭骨懸掛,等仿真寵物,仿真動物,真毛寵物,皮毛玩具,真皮動物,皮毛工藝品,真毛寵物,裘皮工藝品,時尚寵物,真皮動物,皮毛動物,裘皮玩具裘皮動物,仿真玩具,仿真工藝品,仿真動物,真皮工藝品,毛皮玩具,皮毛工藝品,毛皮動物,毛絨玩具,毛絨工藝品,皮毛動物,毛絨玩具,仿真工藝品,仿真動物,動物玩具,毛絨工藝品,動物模型,仿毛玩具,仿毛工藝品,仿毛動物,羽毛動物,海洋動物,民族工藝品,民間工藝品,手工工藝品寵物玩具為主,真皮毛,深加工,品種繁多,造型流暢,動態(tài)逼真,栩栩如生,產品已遠銷美國、日本、德國、俄國、澳大利亞和國內大中型城市。公司守合同,重信譽,保證質量,恭迎國內外客戶來公司洽談、合作 .
Shandong juankang Handicraft Co., Ltd., the main products of the company: to simulate dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex, pterosaur, deltoid, tiger, cat, rabbit, horse, sheep, squirrel, fox, deer, bear, lion, zebra, camel, yak, cow, giraffe and North China Polar bear, lion, giraffe, hippopotamus, elephant, tiger skin, bear skin, wolf skin, kangaroo skin, yak skull suspension, etc., simulation pets, simulation animals, real fur pets, fur toys, leather animals, fur crafts, real fur pets, fur crafts, fashion pets, leather animals, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur toys, fur, fur, fur Animals, simulation toys, simulation crafts, simulation animals, leather crafts, fur toys, fur crafts, fur animals, plush toys, plush crafts, fur animals, plush toys, simulation crafts, simulation animals, animal toys, plush crafts, animal models, fur toys, wool crafts, fur like animals, feather animals, marine animals, people The products have been exported to the United States, Japan, Germany, Russia, Australia and domestic large and medium-sized cities. The company abides by the contract, pays attention to the prestige, guarantees the quality